Spring Rogaine
12hr, 6hr, and 3hr Options
Spring Rogaine - Matakanui Station -
Start/Finsh HQ - Matakanui Station (Post event dinner will be at the Omakau Campground Club Rooms, )
Late Fee from December 1st 2024
Online entries close Wednesday 4th 2024 at 8pm
Entry Fee
- 12hr $95 per team member (late fee $20 from Dec 1st)
- 6hr $80 per team member (late fee $20 from Dec 1st)
- 6hr Junior $35 per team member ($10 late fee)
3hr $40 per adult per team member - (late fee $20 from Dec 1st)
Family $60 (no late fee) team entry
3hr Youth Team - $10 per team member - no late fee
Late entries accepted on the day with late fee (Cash only)
12hr Event
Saturday 7th
7am - registrations
7.30am - map handout and Briefing
9am - 12hr Event START
9pm 12hr Event FINISH and hot meal.
9.30pm approx PRIZEGIVING
6hr Event
Saturday 7th
11am -12pm - 6hr registration
12.05pm - 6hr map handout
1pm - 6hr Event START
7pm - 6hr Event FINISH
7pm - hot meal
8.30pm - approx - PRIZEGIVING
3hr Event
Saturday 7th
9-11am - 3hr Rogaine registration, and map handout
10am - 3hr Rogaine Briefing
11am - 3hr Rogaine START
2pm - 3hr Rogaine FINISH
2.30pm - approx - PRIZEGIVING
Please email - terry@terrydavisevents.co.nz - for more info
Highland Events have been organising Rogaines in the Otago Region since 2007.
More info about Rogaines here:
Required Gear
Two base layers polypropylene or wool
Water proof jacket
Hat and gloves polyprop or wool
Leggings Poly prop or Merino
Good footwear
One litre of water
First aid kit per team
One cellphone per team
Torch for night events